16v ECU raised rev limiter - pics inside

Discussion in '16-valve' started by barny, Oct 14, 2006.

  1. barny Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Lost in Glos
    Thread editied due to pics not working !

    Been meaning to do this for ages so here are some pics of the modified raised rev limiter mk2 16v ecu i have.

    This shows odd wire attached from main multiplug and little black box, notice that the pin has been cut and removed, see later picture

    This one shows it from another angle to see the pin removed

    Close up off the resister thats different to Larrys one !

    And a shot of the pcb showing the new solders

    Hope this helps anyone who wants an approx 7800rpm limiter
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2024
  2. jamesa Forum Junkie

    Nov 8, 2003
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    Did VW ever produce a `Motorsport` ECU for the 16v (KR / 9A ?) that had a raised rev limit as standard ?
  3. JonnyPhenomenon New Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    so did you replace this crystal? where did you find the new one? and whats the frequency on it?

    judging by the print on it, its a 4.6mhz. but I cant find a 4.6 mhz crystal anywhere.
  4. thegolfman Forum Member

    May 16, 2006
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    Northampton, ENGLAND!
    Can i ask why you would want to raise the rev limiter?
  5. dubst16v Forum Member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    United Kingdom
    indeed just done a 2.0 16v conversion..what are the advantages of raising rev limit and i take it internal componants of engine need to be upgraded first??
  6. barny Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Lost in Glos
    So it can do this ....

    Barny_Matt D_GVK_speedo_Joe g.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2015
  7. barny Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Lost in Glos
    Worry about it when you keep banging into the rev limiter, like i did !
  8. Toyotec

    Toyotec CGTI Committee - Happy helper at large Admin

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Creating Pfredstarke
    Good info there on the insides of the factory 16v ignition ecu.
    From the graphs we see that your car compared to the rest tested, produced very little torque through out the rev range but could rev this little torque to high revs (8K) thus showing more work done (HP). It could suggest you had some kind of "big cam" ( I may be wrong here so correct me) or something that did not promote good airflow at lower sub 5K revs . Compare this with the car producing 193BHP@6600, one could see that this vehicle was inhaling bigger and deeper "breaths" from lower down the rev range to high up its rev range accounting for almost the same output but at lower revs.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2006
  9. dubst16v Forum Member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    United Kingdom
    so question is how does that compromise weigh up on say the track of 1/4 mile?
  10. barny Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Lost in Glos
    I ran (well still do kinda) Schrick 276's. Theres a whole (old) debate on the pro and cons of this setup and not what i started this thread up for. If your interested search my name a few years back and you'l get the idea !

    Basically the pics show that the ecu is modified, quite possibly from readily available parts and quite easily done too.
  11. JonnyPhenomenon New Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    I want to raise the rev limiter, because my 2.0 16v engine continues to produce torque at 7200 and I frequently hit the limiter on the rallycross track.

    I have built a rally car that is geared perfectly for rallycross. with a 4.25 final drive, and a 2.12 second gear, that means I can only get about 54mph in second gear before I hit the limiter.

    with rallycross events, you do not have time to shift. you need a car that produces torque in the gear you are in no matter how fast you are going. the 16v engine is perfect for that because it produces ample torque at low rpms, and keeps on going right up through all the rpms till it hits the limiter and quits.

    that being said. I had bee hoping I might be able to get a little more info about this modification from you barny. who did this mod for you? do you know where the modified crystal came from? 7800 seems like a great target limit. 7200 is too low for this engine, but until I get a lightened and balanced crank, I dont want to remove the limit completely.

    I appreciate any help you can give me.
  12. barny Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Lost in Glos
    sadly i know very little about it. Was owned by chrisp, how he got i cant remember and i swapped it for an abf inlet manifold. Stealth i believe are the guys to talk about it, you may need to show him the pics or point him in this direction.

    I'd be interested to see how this works out, and if by changing the xtal wether a higher limit could be set ....
  13. NormanCoal Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Cant tell you, its a secret............

    Originally, the ECU's were done by Superchips, and beleive you me it took some tracking down to find a person within superchips that knew what they were! Desperately out of fashion, ECU's have moved on some since the ignition only KR ecu
    It got mine done by, hmm, let me have a dig, memory is failing me..........

    found it

    London Superchips
    8 Union Buildings Wallingford Rd Uxbridge
    UB8 2FR
    T : 01895 811338
    E : sales@london.superchips.co.uk
    W : www.london.superchips.co.uk
  14. JonnyPhenomenon New Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    I pulled my knock box apart tonight anbd took some pics. my box doesnt look much like the one in barnys pics, but it is close enough. I have a phillips crystal in there with the print "4194.304" and "04471.727" on it. Ill post the pics later.
  15. JonnyPhenomenon New Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    I got it. the crystal barny pictured is a Sunny 4.608000MHZ
    the spacing in the number is just the way the numbers printed and notsome fancy code.. im going to try and source one.
  16. JonnyPhenomenon New Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    well, im stumped! the 4.608 is a pretty rare crystal. all the US based sites dont carry em. UK sites have them for under a gbp or so, but they want 16 to ship to the USA. LOL.
  17. barny Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Lost in Glos
    Good detective work there ! Surprised no-one else is interested in this ....!
  18. JonnyPhenomenon New Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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  19. JonnyPhenomenon New Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    I dont know if its bad ettiquette on this forum to bump things.... but bump it all to hell! [:x] :thumbup:

    sorry, I just really want to get somewhere with this rev limitter raising stuffs..
    :thumbup: :beer:

    aww. no beer emot... :(
  20. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Oct 23, 2003
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    I sold an old ECU from a similar source earlier in the year and it had the same 4.608 Sunny chip in it.

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