Badgerwagen is in kit form currently... 1000's of bits. stripped bare internally, devoid of all factory wiring, dash, heater, AC evaporator etc etc etc... 30kg of wiring alone has come out of it. amazed at the qty of wiring sat behind everything.. complete 'mare to remove. Going to be a lot of hours rewiring just essential stuff again. DTA S60 ecu, possible DTA LCD dash also if funds allow. Some pics of the prgress to date: the dirt in the pics is grinding dust from cutting out its old cage platforms, in readyness for its trip to Custom Cages for a full on works weld in cage. pix below:
wow what a mess lol . i remember when i bought mine new . never thought i would tune it , then seeing yours at combe changed my mind . "but really i think you have gone mad" lol oh what in brum doing in your garage ? p.s my mk1 is in that state at the mo . hardest thing is knowing where to start .
broom? to sweep all the grinding dust nasties I've created.. got to clean it all out tomorrow.. its a right state in there. I fear for the hours its goign to take to rewire the whoel car from scratch tho... DOH! muchos weight saving tho... I can hardlyu pickup the box of wiring and stuff I've removed and thats just one of two boxes this size of bits. remember the "sensible road car"???? oh dear what have I done
Whats the plan then Bill? Is this a weight reduction exercise and a new cage; or are you also planning to do other work? I hate rewiring cars so good luck! Chris
Haha good spot. What bill doesn't know is that it goes out during the day when he's working on the wagon and has little adventures.
ahhh I see now.. thats tonys trials car (scratch built by him) (tony being a good friend who's helped me race these past 2 seasons) There's a Ford Pop wheeled outside with a 1.8T up front, but thats another story
A few reasons.. mainly proper roll cage going in for more peace of mind at the speeds the car can move these days, and having seen 2 massive accidents in the combe saloons. (both evo's, one of them the spectacular crash from simon norris) Full Custom Cages multipoint going in. Also weight reduction as its only been a road car basically stripped out for racing, not a full on strip back and start over. There's got to have been another 30kg of wiring alone come out, plus a load of dashboard and heater cr4p removed. Hopefully sub 1000kg now, but new cage will add more kg back in again. got me a lot of hours ahead rewiring the thing again for lights,ign etc and also for S60 ecu and GDash. God what have I started.
Ill be watching this thread! Ur shifter cables, i take it youve put them through the bulkhead? is that a standard ibiza shifter? where did you get the gromets from on bulkhead. Just looking for one as people say the ibiza one is ideal for mk1 02A swap. Daz
Bill from reading various threads on the stuff youve done already i dont think ul find the wiring that hard ... when i was building my rally car i stripped all the wiring and started again with new light looms/ign loom/ecu loom/dash loom etc and when u really work out what you need it isnt that much. if u do away with door locks and windows regs etc (if ur allowed to) there is very little and at least if u use new relays etc you know exactly what is what. a man of your skill shud find this easy if a numpty like myself managed it i cant wait to see how this turns out and to see it running at combe saloons. Good luck with the build.
Bill ... brave man - good luck I believe that Seat Sport used to take the roof off for the cage install ... do CC ?
yep... well bike.. badger does'nt do running.. no sugar, less coffee, and pull my finger out. more to be lost from me than the car
Loom does'nt phase me but the time to build one is long when I've scratch built them before. I will likely shortcut some of the wiring by using a kitcar kit for basic wiring, and see what options I have for the DTA S60, start again or use a DTA loom.. but need to tailor it to the 1.8T motor and sensors. Got that bridge to cross yet.... will see what I need after autosports show me thinks, whilst cars away having its cage fitted.