ABF Downpipe to Decat Query - Please Help!

Discussion in '16-valve' started by Greigzy, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. Greigzy Forum Member

    Good morning everyone! I hope you guys can help.

    I have a mk2 with ABF and have the downpipe like the one on the right of the photo (courtesy of toyotec):

    I have a decat like the below:

    And I have a gasket like so:

    Now because the downpipe seems to have the lip on it, I cant mount it flat face-to-face on the flanges. I also cant really see how this gasket can be used with it.

    Am I being really silly? Can someone advise please?
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2017
  2. MUSHY 16V

    MUSHY 16V Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Aye that's a corra joint and is wrong for that down pipe
    Probably need the donut type joint
  3. Greigzy Forum Member

    Thanks Justin, Alz said the same. Will have a look to see if I can get one from somewhere - unsure where from though
  4. MUSHY 16V

    MUSHY 16V Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Autosave or Dingbro may have
  5. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    as above, you have early type downpipe which needs o'ring type seal 357253137A. VW stock it for 10.82+VAT
    Greigzy and MUSHY 16V like this.
  6. MUSHY 16V

    MUSHY 16V Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    John dose the bolts have springs and lock nuts on them ?
  7. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    just bolts and locknuts for the early one, same as the late :)
    MUSHY 16V likes this.

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