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Home / Events / Club GTI at GTI international 2014. July 4th to 6th

Club GTI at GTI international 2014. July 4th to 6th

Autometrix is proud to present, in its 27th year, GTI International 2014. And your favourite car club – Club GTI will be there . Located for the second year, at the Shakespeare County Race way, near Stratford upon Avon, this is the biggest UK show for owners of high performance VW and Audi based vehicles.
The main attraction of the event is the ¼ mile drag racing strip. Here your can test your GTI on the ‘1320’ as see what ET and terminal speeds it can achieve. All done while a grandstand, that can seat 3000 watch! Of course some of the fastest VWs from some of the top tuning firms will also be there running their cars on the strip. One not to miss this judging by what occurred last year.

If drag racing is not your thing but you want to show off your bling do not worry, that is covered too. There is the Show ’n’ Shine and Concours competition, attracting some of the best VW/Audis in Britain and Europe, from original and restored concours classics to highly modified custom cars. The Show ‘n’ Shine competition, has been relocated to a hardstanding area, with space to hold more than 200 vehicles.

There will be traders, autojumble, cars for sale and also amusements for children on site.

Over night camping? No problem. Plus there is also permanent toilet and shower facilities.
Tickets can be purchased here

The cut off time for online tickets is 19th of June at 12pm

NB Children under 15 are free.

The Location of the event is at:

Long Marston Airfield,
Campden Rd
CV37 8LL

It is quite easy to get access if you are coming far as the map below shows it is relatively close to the M5, M42 and M40 motorways.

The Club GTI stand at the event

For this year, Club GTI will be in a new gazebo, sporting two new flags chosen by you the members.
The event team of Club GTI, will like to know how many of you are coming to event, what day you plan to be there, if you will be camping, or want to display your car at our club stand.

Please use this tread to let us know and we will add you to our list.

NB The deadline for advance tickets is the Thursday the 18th of June. If you plan on bringing a car on the stand, please let us know when you have booked to have Autometrix have your passes ready.

Club GTI Inters 2014 list
Alias Car Weekend Camping/ Sat/ Sun Cars for Club
1 1990 Golf 2 8v
2 Toyotec WOLF R Sunday Y Y
3 ffrroogge Rallye Sunday Y Between racing Y
4 DC75 Golf 2 8v
5 irishrob Corrado 20vT camp from Sat Y
6 irishrob Bora 20vT Ditto
7 irishrob Vento 20vT Ditto
8 irishrob Golf 4 20vT Ditto
9 nut 20v Golf 2 20vT Weekend camping Y Y
10 white_8vgti Golf 2 ABF Friday Camp and Sat Y Y
11 Chrispal Golf 2 ABF Saturday Y Y
12 Taks Golf 2 R32
13 Dil Golf 3 R32
14 bootise Golf 2 16v Sunday Y
15 AjVR Golf 3 VRT Sunday
16 DubAndy Golf 2 20vT Sunday Y Y
17 dragonfly Golf 2 G60 Sunday Y Y
18 Richard MK2 Golf 7 GTI Sunday Y Y
19 Aminder Golf 3 R32 Sunday Y
20 vw_singh Golf 1 16vT Sunday Y Y
21 G Adams Weekend Camping Y
22 TK 1 Golf 1 20vT Weekend Y Between racing Y
23 Amit Golf 1 20vT Sunday Y Y
24 Apow Golf 3 16vT Sunday Y Y
25 Brookster Golf 1 16v VDRC TBA Y Between racing
26 skulls Golf 1 8v ITB Saturday Y Y
27 ? Y Y
28 PeterG60 Golf 1 20vT Sunday Y Y
This article was originally published in forum thread: Club GTI at GTI international 2014. We need you there! started by Toyotec View original post

About Club GTI