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Monthly Newsletter August 2014


Club GTI Newsletter for August 2014

Dear Members,

July was a show-packed month, and for once, the weather held out for all of it! Let’s pray it can continue into August as it’s shaping up to be another busy month with show, track and even rolling-road events. With Club GTI celebrating its 27th birthday and a successful GTI International for 2014, everyone is on a high and looking forward to August.

VW Festival, VW Action and our own Club GTI rolling-road day at one of our sponsors and supporters Badger 5, to name a few, will be the highlights of the month. If you haven’t already done so, please head over to the relevant forum threads to lend a hand, or to sign up to put your car on the Club GTI stand.

It’s also a good time to remind you of our September Curborough event to take place on Sunday 7th Sept. This is a fantastic day for everyone so make sure you head over to…l-you-be-there! and see what everyone is saying. A report on this event will be up next month on the front page; please keep an eye out for it.

Lastly, a reminder to check out our social network links. We have integrated facebook into the forum now so you can ‘like’ away (please no farmville requests!). Or if you are a Twitter fan then follow us on the link at the bottom of the page.

Have a great August!


The Club GTI Team

News this month


Happy Birthday Club GTI

On July 16th it was Club GTI’s 27th Birthday! It has come a long way since 1987 when it was founded by a group of enthusiastic members. Please click on the the thread to read a little history into the club. Anyone for cake?

GTI International 2014 pictures & reports:

Here are the GTI International 2014 pictures & reports from Club GTI members. It was a cracking show with a massive turn out for Club GTI. We hope you see you all next year!

VW Festival 2014 Harewood House, Leeds. Friday 15th to Sunday 17th August 2014

Its time to launch Club GTI’s Main Club Stand at VW Festival at Harewood House near Leeds from Aug 15th-17th.
A club stand has been booked for six cars and we need one more car for the weekend, this is Sat & Sun. Head over to this forum thread to help out.…th-August-2014

VW Action at Santa Pod: 29th – 31st August 2014
VW Action is one of the longest running VW Shows, and has in one form or another been the true ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of UK VW events – embraced by all who have attended previous events.
2014’s event is set to be better than ever – with its ‘Zombie Fright Night’ theme, VAG-Only RWYB including Night Racing on the famous Santa Pod Dragstrip.
Massive Show & Shine events on both Saturday and Sunday with over 70 trophies and £1500 prize money.
Free stuff for the kids including a Facepainter and Bouncy Castle that will cost parents nothing,
FREE Autojumble plots, Traders, Charity Auction, top DJs and live bands, FREE CAMPING with weekend tickets and loads, loads more.
Head over to…2014-Santa-Pod to grab a spot on the club stand!

Club GTI Gloucestershire dyno day – August 17th at Badger 5

You have supported us on our trackdays, you have also gone to the shows with us. So how about going to the dyno with us once again. Maybe it is time to get a health check, just before the Club GTI trackdays planned, in the months of September to October.

Following on from here, this time Club GTI and the Events team, is teaming up with Badger 5, who will host our Club GTI Gloucester Dyno day, on the 17th of August!
Book you place now at…ghlight=badger, Only a couple of places are left!

Your Club GTI starring in the August 2014 issue of VW Driver

It is a great feeling, to get in from work, after a long drive and just relax. Well I had hoped to do just that after having a fairly busy weekend….but wait, there is a magazine on my door mat. Is it PeeVee… …hang on… …

In fact it was Autometrix’s August issue of Volkswagen Driver and Club GTI is gracing the glossy pages again…!
See the full coverage in the forum thread or head down to WHSmiths to pick up your copy now! Failing that you can order a copy at


About Club GTI

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