COD Black Ops 2 thoughts???

Discussion in 'Computers and Consoles' started by drunkenalan, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. drunkenalan Paid Member Paid Member

    I was a massive fan of MW3 but i dont feel that the new game is quite as good so far

    also i used to play BareBones and its not there on Black ops :(

    what do you guys reckon?
  2. WEZ

    Wez Official Friday thread starter

    first call of duty since modern warfare 1 that I haven't bought so can't comment other than I always felt that Treyarch's versions (world at war, black ops) were inferior to infinity ward's and now sledgehammer games versions (modern warfare)
    If you don't like it, play MW3, i've never played treyarchs versions much online, always got 2 years out of modern warfare(s)
  3. mat-mk3

    mat-mk3 Administrator Admin

    It's alright, Maps are ****e as usual. Keep getting shot in the back all the time.

    Anyway..prestige one already[:$]
  4. drunkenalan Paid Member Paid Member

    My thoughts exactly!!

    well done, Geek!!
  5. mat-mk3

    mat-mk3 Administrator Admin

    I was unwell last week so took the week off;) Shame eh?lol

    Im really annoyed at the spawn system, Its worse than ever. How they expect you to get a high score streak i dont know.
    19 kills in a row? Come on, The most i have at the moment is about 8! And im good:o
  6. whitemk2 Forum Member

    I quite like it. The new menu layout and attatchments and perks are great but as matt says above trying to get a high score streak is very hard. I think the most i managed is about 6 or 7.
    Anybody complete the campaign yet? I've not even started it yet , just been playing multiplayer and zombies
  7. mat-mk3

    mat-mk3 Administrator Admin

    I have started the campaign, Its not a bad story line and i quite enjoy it.
    However after about 3 missions in you get a special ops mission where you have to defend the base for 10 mins. You play as anything you like, Drone, soldier, commander etc. Man its hard and you only get 3 goes at it.
    I have given up on that at the moment, I cant see me defending it that long!
  8. priceygti Forum Member

    i much prefer playing this online to other COD games my K/D ratio has nearly doubled playing BO2. I agree some of the maps are utter dog *****e but some are really good imo. I got hold of a nuketown 2025 version yesterday and sucked it up all night and managed to get to prestige 1 level 39 in one evening (double xp mind)

    has anyone prestiged their weapons yet? i have got the max 2 prestige for my mp7 with gold camo which was a major ballache doing all the challenges for that.
  9. Joe16v Forum Member

    lol. challenges for gold guns.

    I remember when you had to max out the headshots of the class to get one gold gun. Back when i was a yoof...
  10. WEZ

    Wez Official Friday thread starter

    tbf - reading up on the challenges, seems pretty hard and a major pain, I certainly wouldn't be arsed with it...
  11. priceygti Forum Member

    the challenge's for most of the camo's are headshots but there's a couple that require using either no attachments or no perks all really easy tbh i soon ploughed though them all
  12. WEZ

    Wez Official Friday thread starter

    Fair enough. Still wouldn't do it myself though. Std gun colour, as soon as I unlock the silencer then that's it, game over! [:D]
  13. priceygti Forum Member

    there's a wild card perk that gives you a 3rd attachment for your primary weapon i use that with the silencer, stock or quick draw handle and some form of a sight works a treat
  14. possle Forum Member

    Crap maps, haven't been able to use a sniper rifle properly yet as maps aren't good enough. MW2 maps are better if you snipe a lot.
    If you play free for all its more deaths than kills. I can get 30 kills no problem but 50% of deaths are from spawn.
    Can get shot through huge trucks or anything metal even without FMJ
    Some people must not have lives though, some people are immense
    I think I prefer BF3 for the realistic side, got well peefed of with bo2 tonight! Bet I'm back on tomoz though, helps if there's people you know online to, makes it a little more interesting
  15. drunkenalan Paid Member Paid Member

    i have been back on MW3 it miles better IMO, like you say,it appears you can shoot through anything with anything

    really dont like the fact its not got barebones, the spawn system is truly crap! not very impressed
  16. whitemk2 Forum Member

    Played for about 3 hours on the xbox last night and had problems with host migration and getting kicked out of games half way through. Anybody else suffering from this? I heard its quite bad on the playstation
  17. priceygti Forum Member

    host migration seems to be a big problem from what i've been seeing which is a shame

    there is way too many snipers on bo2 christ half of them are quick scoping beyond belief, and shotguns really get on my tits!! how can i be shot first from 50ft away wtf is that all about.

    prime example is today i had an uber crap match against a bunch of camping snipers with a couple of shotgunners then got a message from the person with most kills on that team calling me a "f4gg0t" lol but the next game i wiped the floor with his whole team including getting myself a VTOL warship and the baby left the game lmao

    spawn killing is my biggest problem in all COD games really drives me nuts but i normally get round it by dying less and killing more :)
  18. vr6smith Forum Member

    Mw3 is so much better, really disappointed that I bought it!

    Spawn system is totally useless!!
  19. drunkenalan Paid Member Paid Member

    played for 3 hours tonight its starting to grow on me
  20. WEZ

    Wez Official Friday thread starter

    Never noticed it, Xbox problem?

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