Fiesta Scrappage Scheme

Discussion in 'Ooooops!' started by A.N. Other, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    PMSL at this phrase :lol:
  2. rocco2litre

    rocco2litre Forum Junkie

    late braking?
  3. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Ran out of road on the previous corner (out of sight).

    Wallop, down the barriers, and it's doing braking as it comes into camera view. Snags around in the pics, presumably due to the front grip being on/off with wheels hanging off.
  4. turbotommy Forum Member

    Looks like Adn forrest?
    Can imagine the comments & s******ing from simon and phatty just sitting here!!!!!!
    Whill have to make a call in the morning now pmsl.
  5. funkbaron Forum Junkie

    There's a 'ring sticker on the back of the car which suggests she may have been there before??? Could happen to anyone pushing a car too hard I guess
  6. RallyeVR6

    RallyeVR6 Forum Junkie

    The failcast indicated fail would rain down at the top of Brunchen. And there indeed, Fail arrived in bucket loads.
  7. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    The car is K-prefix, ie Cologne, ~30-40 miles north.

    Likely to have been a day tripper out for a hoon.
  8. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    I was on the phone to Phatty, not realising he'd actually been stood next to it.

    Phatty: "door off wheels off, brake disc in three pieces"

    Me: "Where"

    Phatty: "Brunnchen"

    Me: "Is the Club GTI logo ok?"

    Phatty: "Yep"

    Me: "That's all fine then" :lol:
  9. leontdi Forum Member

    was she ok ? can imagine tears involved and maybe a call to her boyfriend to explain" i have ad an off at the zee ring darling " .

    fairplay though, thought it was gonna be the ropey crapbox from the photo gallery.
  10. Matt82

    Matt82 Forum Addict

    is the ring excluded from the insurance policies of resident deutschlanders too?
  11. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    She'd got out and was in tears.

    It's a road, therefore it's covered under German insurance.
  12. k plate Forum Member

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