Help needed...need to know how to do a full backup from one flash card to another?

Discussion in 'Computers and Consoles' started by Chrisrpal, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. Chrisrpal Events Team

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I have built a test Amiga A1200 4G HDD with 10 meg of RAM, 040 processor and 2 meg scram external memory.

    I now can run Doom on it quite well. I have over 2300 Amiga games on it. It has 3.1 roms running workbench 3.1.

    Sadly after all that testing yesterday and setting up the motherboard I fried the flash card!! Lol so its dead!! :cry: I think I must have shorted it against the motherboard by mistake and wiped the software off the flash card.. Anyway got another one coming in the post with the software on it!!!

    So the question is how do I copy the whole contents of the flash card from one card to another? Will the PC be able to do that even tho the PC doesn't understand 68000 CPU language.

  2. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    i dont understand the question, if the old flash card is dead how can you copy the stuff off it? and the new card already has software on it so?

    i think i have a copy of workbench 3.5 and also 4 somewhere still, in case you're interested? i did get shot of most of my amiga games though i might have some left
  3. Chrisrpal Events Team

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Sorry what I meant to say was, I am getting a new flash card with workbench and all games installed onto it. Assuming the old flash card isn't totally dead and able to re-write to it, is there a way I can copy the information off my new flash card when I get it in the post and write back the software onto my old flash card? Would be nice to have a back up of the whole lot of software incase it happens again. I don't fancy loading each adf file onto a blank workbench screen that'll take me weeks as there is over 2300 games to load on it.
  4. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    if its formatted in amiga file system you can read it using winuae if thats what you mean, i used it to pull all the data from an old amiga hard drive i had sat in my garage for years. found my dads porn stash too :lol:
  5. Chrisrpal Events Team

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Yes that's what I mean. Ok, wil try that.
  6. Chrisrpal Events Team

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I finally got it all sorted. It was a virus from Mortal Kombat 2 HD adf file down load. Wiped that and all good.

    I have now started playing Chaos strikes back, this time from the adf and not floppy disk so will be intersting if the game crashes like on the cracked version of Dungeon Master. I have the original disks anyway with manuals if I don't get on with the adf copy.

    I might be spending more time than I should playing Chaos Strike back, so addictive!!!! lol

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