Ipod to Pc ?

Discussion in 'Computers and Consoles' started by Richard Mk2, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Richard Mk2

    Richard Mk2 Paid Member Paid Member

    Ive got loads of tunes on my Ipod, which are not currently stored on my laptop.

    Now, can i copy my music from my Ipod onto my laptop ?

    Just want to back them up, just incase.

    Cheers :thumbup:
  2. Mike_H Forum Addict

    Depends on what type of iPod it is, and how old. Not if it's an iPod Touch, or probably other recent ones.

    See Apple Support forums, or just google the question - best way to start with any IT problem, these days.
  3. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    Were they purchased via iTunes? Just download the latest version, and download all the purchases to the PC as well.
  4. Richard Mk2

    Richard Mk2 Paid Member Paid Member

    Unfortunately not Luke. They are all from various old CD's ect...
  5. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    You dont still have access to the iTunes library i assume? There are tools out there, but the filesystems doesnt necessarily relate to the music very well.
  6. Richard Mk2

    Richard Mk2 Paid Member Paid Member

    I do have access to the library on laptop, but it won't allow me to drag/copy any of my songs to my library or laptop ?

    Its an IPod Nano 4th generation - 16gb.
  7. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    It should do. All the music should be drm free. You need to copy all the files out the iTunes library. But you need to browse to the source files.
  8. Collie Forum Junkie

  9. Richard Mk2

    Richard Mk2 Paid Member Paid Member

    Cheers mate, just what I needed :thumbup:

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