kr 16v fuel line fitments?

Discussion in 'K-Jetronic OEM injection' started by Rusty Dan, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Rusty Dan Forum Member

    Looking to run a fuel cell and was wondering what the Golf 16v fuel line fitments are?
    Looking at it I would say its about 8mm line but not sure what the hose connections/fitments are..

    Any help appreciated :)
  2. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    you'll need to keep the kjet main pump regardless of the fuel tank you use, so unless you want to move the main pump you should be fine. all you need is some kind of pre-pump to keep the main pump reservoir topped up with fuel :thumbup:

    if you want to move the pump and/or switch to inline mk1 type fuel pump then the fuel lines are 8mm afaik, the main pump banjo and metering head connections are M12x1.5. you'll still want some kind of pre pump and swirl pot to make sure the main pump has a constant supply of fuel, and make sure the main pump you get is a proper k-jet spec either std mk1 gti or similar, or a bosch 44
  3. Rusty Dan Forum Member

    Thanks Jon!
    Gives me something to work off :)
  4. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    cool, so hopefully you should have a swirl pot for the main pump already? if not its best to fit one then use an inline/lift pump to feed it, whatever goes with your fuel cell :thumbup:
  5. Rusty Dan Forum Member

    Any ideas what psi the in tank pump runs at on a 16v kr?
  6. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    bugger all, its never under pressure it just fills the reservoir up then the overflow comes straight back into the tank. the lifter pumps have been used to run normal carb engines if that gives you a idea how weak they are :)
  7. Rusty Dan Forum Member

    Abocut 5 psi then, should be able to source something for that Jon!


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