Low Flying Aircraft

Discussion in 'Non-car related videos' started by N/B, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. Polog4tracer Forum Member

    They are french seepcat jaguar GR1s. Its hard to see even if paused, Note the lower angled tailerons, small square set back intakes and flat front nose cone (housing the LRMTS). Too long fuselage to be an alpha jet.

    A few of the ex jag lads on my sqn used to tell me about a recce photo taken from a JRP pod by a jag pilot of a hanger, except the image showed it straight through the hanger entrance at nye on eye level. The crazy loon was 30ft off the ground with wings 90deg bank. lol

    A few of the harrier lads know the bloke and also the pilot of that low harrier clip. It was hi-jinks, we get up to alsorts when were bored on OOA.

    Thats true about the bucaneer aswell, it created a buffet of air when going super low.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2009

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