PGTI Silverstone Race 1 - a monsoon experience

Discussion in 'The Video Forum' started by AjVR, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. AjVR Forum Member

    Here is my onboard from race 1. The conditions on 888s made for some very slippery conditions especially at the start and end of the race from extra rain. There were 7 different leaders during the race and 6 dnfs. Luckily I managed to avoid the mayhem at the start and had some good battles for the last 1/3.
    dUff, 1990 and gasco like this.
  2. vr6smith Forum Member

    What a down poor, well done for keeping it together! :thumbup:

    If this your first race? Read your thread about doing your race licence.
  3. AjVR Forum Member

    Each race weekend consists of 1 x 15 min qualy and then 2 x 15 min races. At silverstone they were run for 20 min sessions.

    Grids seem to hover between 24-28 entries so qualy times and racing seems to be always close.

    It was my 3rd race. The last 2 were at brands hatch with a best there of 18th so very happy with the improvement I found in the car in the rain. Need to do a few open pit lane sessions soon as still have only had about an 2.5 hours seat time in the car and need to "play" with setups.
  4. vr6smith Forum Member

    Glad it's going well. When's your next race? What's it costing you per race?
  5. AjVR Forum Member

    Race fees are 300 plus you have your fuel,tyre wear , pads etc.

    Next round is donnington on the 19th. If your tempted in getting involved it's a great series to run in with decent driving standards and there is always someone close to race with.
    vr6smith likes this.
  6. 1990

    1990 Paid Member Paid Member

    Move vid!!!!

    The No.7 car nearly got you on the last lap. It must be hard in the wet?
  7. vr6smith Forum Member

    Thanks, always wanted to give it ago, probably not the right time now, I'm struggling to even fit a track day in at the moment around work. I'm keeping my mind sane by at least working on the car. But doesn't make up for not driving it, only keeps me plodding along [:D]
  8. AjVR Forum Member

    Yes the conditions were poor but fun. One of the other drivers commented it was the worst he had experienced even going back to 2012.
    The sheer volume of water meant those unlucky to be out in front were aquaplaning everywhere. Even in second you could get it aquaplaning which is why the off happened on the first lap on the straight.

    VR6smith if you could prep a mk2 like your mk3 im sure it would be a higher quality than most. You may even be able to turn in without that vr6 hanging over the front ;). Could you not use your mk3 for VAG trophy or the like ? Ive missed half the rounds to lower the costs this season but still great fun.
  9. vr6smith Forum Member

    Thanks for the compliment, It has crossed my mind to use the car for racing, but not sure if I could bare too though. Lol
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2014

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