Pregnancy Shoot

Discussion in 'Photography - general' started by Delyth, May 4, 2011.

  1. Delyth Forum Member

    I've been asked to take pics of my 8-month pregnant friend for keepsake at the weekend so was looking for ideas online and came across this amazing pic :)

  2. Trev16v

    Trev16v Paid Member Paid Member

    That honestly freaks the hell out of me.
  3. stella

    stella Forum Junkie

    I'm glad it turns out that you're taking pics of someone being pregnant and not getting pregnant ....... ;)

    That is an amazing photograph, but somehow I suspect a bit of Photoshop jiggery-pokery going on there. Nonetheless, it's still a great picture.
  4. Delyth Forum Member

    .. or giving birth :o

    I suspect that too, but it sure is a great pic and will try and copy it at the weekend lol

    I remember seeing something similar when I was pregnant though :lol:
  5. pascal77uk Paid Member Paid Member

    Is that real or a photoshop job? Awesome if it is.
  6. stella

    stella Forum Junkie


    Perhaps it's really a picture of Sigorney Weaver and a monster is about to burst forth ..... :o
  7. richwig83 Forum Member

    The sceptic in me says that a fake... interesting image tho!

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