
Discussion in 'Photography - general' started by antinkariba, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. antinkariba

    antinkariba Forum Member

    Having just looked at the pic that Stella posted up I remember one of my fav pics that I have taken.

    What do you think?

  2. Dubmuffin Forum Member

    Had that poor thing been stood on or something? It looks broken :(
  3. stella

    stella Forum Junkie

    Assume you used macro? It's a good shot, but it's very difficult with the limited depth of field, isn't it?

    I love the colouring and you have got good exposure.

    Despite not being very keen on molluscs, at least they don't fly off or run away too quickly!

    When I can find it, I have a butterfly shot, and I had to past on a pair of antennae from another shot, as they were out of focus on the main shot!
  4. antinkariba

    antinkariba Forum Member

    No, did not use a macro. Was out wandering with the other half and I spotted him. I was actually taking pics of the sunset!!
  5. jApAn Forum Member

    Not a macro, did you use macro mode? ^_^ :lol:
  6. antinkariba

    antinkariba Forum Member

    Thats what I meant!! and No did not use Macro mode.
  7. Tuff Schmitt Forum Junkie

    Pour salt over it![:D]

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