What's your birthday / star sign?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by A.N. Other, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Had / chose to break up a fight between a couple of Capricorns yesterday.

    Chaos intervention... suddenly neither were in control... :o

    Gemini happy to confront... ;)
  2. jamesa Forum Junkie

    Mmmmm ... maybe shedding light on some of the reasons for the last few troubled years on here then ?

    Hopefully `we` manage real life better ;)
  3. StuMc

    StuMc Moderator and Regional Host - Manchester Moderator


  4. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    A couple of baseline setters ;)

  5. Mr Funk Forum Member

    Just because you believe in something, no matter how vehemently, doesn't make it true.
    There have been thousands of years to be proved right and it hasn't worked but still people persist. The difference with science is that we fully acknowledge that we don't know everything and (generally) when our theories are proved wrong we move on.
    It's called progress.
    You have no soul, it's merely chemical reaction. The stars cannot dictate your future and there is no sky daddy that made everything.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
  6. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Colin McRae's 46th birthday would have been today (5 Aug)

    #Leoalwaysthecompetitor :thumbup:
  7. jamesa Forum Junkie

    ...^ not a good analogy given my understanding of his demise.
  8. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    What's the parallel in mind?

    He perished, messing about in a heli.
  9. slimwadey Paid Member Paid Member

    I'm just going to occasionally post then ...
  10. jamesa Forum Junkie

    The result of his actions on others at that time ... or am I reading too much into this thread subject ?
  11. tshirt2k

    tshirt2k Forum Junkie

    Leo's I know are risk takers. They like the thrill of doing things they shouldn't. ;)

    After reading about McRae, seems he did similar.

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  12. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    :idea: So from this and posts 361 + 362, faith / religion and astrology both get a public dressing down...

    Well, that's quite significant, given those vehemently commenting against astrology:

    - "gibberish"
    - "A load of old cobblers IMO"
    - "wants their head felt...seriously"
    - "It's all to do with your star sign why you're a ****"
    - "It's a valuable crutch for people who have nothing meaningful in their lives."

    Do these comments fire themselves at the religiously orientated too? :o

    Maybe the originators can confirm?

  13. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Btw, where's Gaz gone? To get his breath back? :p

    He did mention "TBH I dont give a s**t who's right or wrong, this the best civilised debate on CGTI for ages LOL" !!
  14. Nige

    Nige Paid Member Paid Member

    See post #12.

    I already answered regarding my views on Religion AND Astrology.
  15. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Great, that's cleared up any uncertainty there :thumbup:

    Others quoted?
  16. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    [EZ Pete insult removed]

    So you aren't able to stand by what you have written, or its implications towards religion?

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  17. tshirt2k

    tshirt2k Forum Junkie

    Can we keep it to a debate. No insults necessary please. :thumbup:
  18. EZ_Pete

    EZ_Pete Forum Junkie

    You (Chris) first used the term gibberish, remember?

    I just agreed with you, uncharacteristically.lol

    There, a little morsel of food for you. :hug:
  19. EZ_Pete

    EZ_Pete Forum Junkie

    Sorry Russ, but do you not find post 370 rather trollish? Genuine question?
  20. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    This really is a prime example of poor comprehension.

    - You wrote the lot off as 'gibberish', and followed it up by saying "What evidence for 'fundamental behavioural traits beneath'? .

    - My opening post referred to "gibberish" to make clear that there is a lot of astrology on the net, but that there were 'fundamental behavioural traits beneath'.

    If you read it again, those are two very different things being stated ;)

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