Garage security

Discussion in 'Garages, workshops & DIY' started by jmsheahan, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. jmsheahan CGTI Graphics Designer

    Rather happy today as I have my first garage! (I know it's a bit sad but still :lol:). After being on the councils waiting list for 3 years I get a random phonecall asking if I'm still interested.

    Picking up the keys tomorrow but a few quick questions on security. I'm not planning on leaving any tools in there, it's literally just to store the car however are there any extra precautions I should be taking? I think the locks are just the standard twist jobs, i.e piece of cake to get into but is there anything else I can do to help secure it?

    A quick google revealed these although I'm not sure how good they are? Also seems a bit obvious, i.e I have something of value inside here:


    Thanks :thumbup:
  2. pigbladder Forum Addict

  3. jmsheahan CGTI Graphics Designer

    Thanks for that Pigbladder.

    I assume the council didn't mind having holes drilled in the door/floor to install them then if they fitted it themselves? Was thinking I'd have to be a bit careful with it technically not my property etc.
  4. pigbladder Forum Addict

    hmm yeah good point , might be worth asking if you can fit your own lock

    mine dont seem to care what you do as long as you dont make a mess and keep your head down
  5. jmsheahan CGTI Graphics Designer

    Good to know, thanks for the advice. I'll ask them tomorrow when I sign the paperwork/collect the keys.
  6. pigbladder Forum Addict

    emulsioned mine out too , makes the world of differance

    done the floor and everything lol
  7. jmsheahan CGTI Graphics Designer

    Yeah, a good shout that. God knows what state it's in - find out tomorrow :lol:
  8. DEX

    Dex Paid Member Paid Member

    My advice is *don't* ask them if you can fit your own lock.

    If you ask them, and they say no, then you are a bit stuffed.

    If you don't ask, but do a neat job of it - I can't imagine they'll be inspecting the garage...
  9. pigbladder Forum Addict

    as you will prob find out they dont inspect them when you hand them back over yeah a neat job shouldnt cause much fuss

    deny it if they kick off lol
  10. jmsheahan CGTI Graphics Designer


    Ok cheers guys
  11. pigbladder Forum Addict

    whats it costing you ? mine keeps going up its nearly 8 a week now ffs
  12. jmsheahan CGTI Graphics Designer

    More than that mate. It's about a tenner a week. I'm not a council tennant so have to pay more than standard rate.

    Works out cheaper than storage charges I'm paying at the moment though and closer to home.
  13. pigbladder Forum Addict

    yeah i dont even live in the same county lol

    think village ones are cheaper round here , spose its the cheapest undercover storage you will get

    if it look a bit rough , id pick your moment when you have the garage open to limit the amount of scum that can snout in
  14. fthaimike Forum Addict

    Another thing if your garage is by your house even after you have fitted locks if it has electric is to fit a baby monitor...

    They are a silent alarm that WILL wake you if there is an intruder in the night, positioning it with a more sensitive one can take a bit of practice but once a good sweet spot is found you wont go without one again.

    And good for ordering a cuppa from the house :thumbup: :lol:.
  15. jmsheahan CGTI Graphics Designer


    Unfortunately my house is the other side of town - good idea though haha. Epic fail on the councils part, seems the keys I collected yesterday don't fit the lock.
  16. ThE_gOg Forum Member

    i don't live in a particularly dodgy area, but i had a battery and some used brake discs in the boot of my car which i was going to take to the dump, and this dodgy looking pikey type walked past and asked if he could have em.

    i said fine but did notice he was taking a shady look into my garage which tbh has got my suspicion up.

    so i was going to post on here ref garage security and luckily this thread had already started:)

    my garage is next to the house but separate with a small enclosed fenced drive.

    with those bulldog locks would it still be possible to bend the corners of the garage door up? i was thinking of maybe getting 2 and having them equispaced along the door?? or would that be overkill?

    taken me years to amass my tools, don't want some little scrote pinching them!!
  17. pigbladder Forum Addict

    trouble is you dont want it looking too overprotected

    maybe a length of angled steel or hefty wood along the lower edge of the door
  18. fthaimike Forum Addict

    Does the garage have a side door?
  19. ThE_gOg Forum Member

    no mate, otherwise i'd put a load of bolts on the back of the door.

    i think i'll go with one and a strip of metal of some kind across the bottom as pigbladder suggested.

    any ideas where i'd pick up a suitable piece?

    also the door is on one of those springs so it kind of self opens, can that be adjusted? so if i attach a heavy bit of metal on the base its not going to be slamming shut under the weight of it:-/
  20. pigbladder Forum Addict

    some can be ajusted , see if theres differant hooks for it to mount on

    it doesnt hold it open , just makes it easier to lift the door thats all

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