ADPs / Bonding a plate to the doors / tailgate

Discussion in 'Security' started by gtijon, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. gtijon Forum Member

    My MK2's currently got armour door plates fitted, and I'm going to fit rear handles and use remote central locking, with the boot lock left usable as a last resort if the battery dies.

    I'd like to get rid of the ADPs, and improve security on the car, so I'll be getting some slim jim plates, and I'm thinking of gluing some plates to the back of the door around the handle to stop pry ins, and doing the tailgate too. Is it worth bothering - what exactly am I trying to stop people being able to do? By prying the handle up do they meddle with wire that connects the lock to the pip (the thing you push up and down to lock the door from inside) or what?

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