Batteries.. best, most cost effective

Discussion in 'Photography - general' started by SkyRocketeer, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. SkyRocketeer

    SkyRocketeer Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Here be dragns
    What/who're currently making the best in NiMh AA/AAA cell batteries and chargers?

    Got a new digicam for christmas :) (nothing too glamorous/clever) which takes AA cells, and I suspect gets through them pretty quickly.

    I'm imagining moderate usage, but if I'm buying rechargables (rather than those expensive lithium disulphide disposables), I'll probably also look at putting them in the telly remotes and the like as well - are there different types for different applications? What brands to look out for, which to avoid? Likewise with chargers - are the 'smart' ones worth the money? Anything I should be looking out for in features/put-offs?

    cheers for any thoughts..
  2. mat-mk3

    mat-mk3 Administrator Admin

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Im currently using Enloop's on my digital camera. Its a large bridge camera so uses alot of power. I can get ages out of it! I took it to silverstone last year for the F1 and took about 800 pictures on the same set of batteries over the 2 days.
    Your find most people into photography will use these. Expect to pay more but they last much longer.

    A decent charger is a must for these. I got recommended the Technoline BL700. Its quite good and not expensive really.
    There is loads you can do with it that i dont understand, I just chuck them in and turn it on but you can choose to discharge them first and then charge (Hours!). Different charging rates etc. I give them a long one rather then blast them with power.
  3. SkyRocketeer

    SkyRocketeer Forum Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Here be dragns
    Cheers! Got some eneloop batteries on order, and a 'smart' charger, though I've already got a 'dumb' one I figure it'll be useful for getting the best from the other odd rechargeable batteries around the house. Got a handful of lithium batteries to use as well, but they can be for emergencies when/if I'm caught short.
  4. john002 New Member

    Feb 28, 2013
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    I am currently using Energiger e2 Lithium Ion's for my digital camera. I've been using this for quite sometimes and no problem since then. Its durable you know. also rechargeable batteries are more convenient than just ordinary batteries the fact that its lifeline will only last for 2 to 3 days.

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