Fuel guage not working

Discussion in 'Electrical' started by pstarkey, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. pstarkey Paid Member Paid Member

    Mar 10, 2024
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    Getting this working is the next job, the gauge sits in the middle and does not move with ignition etc.

    When I had the fuel pump out the tank, I checked the resistance across the sender and this varied as I moved the float arm so I am thinking the sender is ok.

    I have removed the gauges and the only thing I can see is what looks like it might be a broken wire on the blue PCB or whatever it is? Could this be the issue or is there a way of checking the gauge by putting a current across some of the pins?

  2. daNpy Forum Member

    Apr 4, 2022
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    Is the wire the one from the fuel guage? You can check on a2resource.com.

    Either way, you can follow the wire and measure the resistance on the ends where there is a metal connection.
    Is the coolant gauge working? I believe they both get their voltage from the same regulator.
  3. pstarkey Paid Member Paid Member

    Mar 10, 2024
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    Thank you. Not sure which wire it is - will look at the resource you mention and see if I can work it out and check the resistance.

    Coolant gauge is working fine.
  4. pstarkey Paid Member Paid Member

    Mar 10, 2024
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    Looks like it is the guage - applying a voltage to the temperature gauge it moves, but the fuel gauge doesn't will get a replacement fuel gauge and see if that does the trick.
    daNpy likes this.
  5. rubjonny

    rubjonny Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 31, 2003
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    that broken trace is linked to the earth to the cylinder head, for whatever reason the cluster doesnt actually care about this one and will work fine.

    it happens is you have a poor earth to the gearbox for the starter motor, reason is burns out in this case is the pin is linked on the pcb to the main cluster earth on pin 1 and the starter tries to use this link to earth itself. for obvious reasons the blue foil gives up pretty quicky when this happens :lol:

    anyway, another check you can do is pull the plug off level sender in the boot and see if gauge stays at 0, if you haven't done this already
  6. pstarkey Paid Member Paid Member

    Mar 10, 2024
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    Thanks can see why it burns out, I soldered a piece of wire to joint the two copper pieces.

    I have tired the tricks with the purple/black sender wire shorting it to earth and disconnecting the sender it makes no difference so will get a new gauge and put it all back together and see what happens.
  7. pstarkey Paid Member Paid Member

    Mar 10, 2024
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    Seems it was the gauge itself, got a new secondhand one and fitted that and tested with the short of the purple/black wire in the sender to ground and gauge moved to full, put it all back together and showing what I think is the correct reading.
    costel1969, PhilRyder and daNpy like this.

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