VW's Self-Study Programme. http://www.volkspage.net/technik/ssp/index1_eng.php http://www.volkspage.net/technik/ssp/index2_eng.php http://www.volkspage.net/technik/ssp/index3_eng.php http://www.volkspage.net/technik/ssp/index4_eng.php Enjoy !!
I have found myself reading many of these already.......very enlightening and not so "in-depth" to bog you down.
Yeah very cool , i had a few but no where near that many I have tried a few online PDF converters to change the language to English , but none have works so far Anyone else managed to convert the PDF`s to English
http://www.volkspage.net/technik/ http://www.volkspage.net/propaganda/ http://www.volkspage.net/adesivos/
Some of those models i've never seen before.......Brazilian market and all that. They have a model called a GOL. There's no effin GOLF. Reaches for coat..............