More wood burner advice!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by TheSecondComing, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. EZ_Pete

    EZ_Pete Forum Junkie

    Hehe, the pic's deceptive, with flash on it didn't look so spectacular; with it off, I guess the CCD's saturating or something on the brightest bits.

    Mixture of pallet blocky-corner-bits split in half and some laurel(?) that a colleague cut back recently.

    I am going to have to take my trousers off soon though, pic of me in my y-fronts anyone? [:D]
  2. Dave

    Dave *Very Smart* Pedantic Old Fart Paid Member

    No flipping thank you![xx(]
  3. danster Forum Addict

    "Bread on crotch thread" anyone? [xx(]

    I do have a spare nan lying around, but it is so cold up here I suspect a mini cheddar would suffice. :lol:
  4. EZ_Pete

    EZ_Pete Forum Junkie

    You want to photograph one of your grandmothers with a mini-cheddar somewhere about her person? Are you trying to out-weird TSC?
  5. danster Forum Addict

    Very good Pete. :clap:
    I did wonder about leaving the bread off the nan. But I thought the context surrounding it would be sufficient.
    Bare in mind my new PC is running without spellcheck at the moment. I am nervous enough typing a post as it is. :o
    I suspect your jibe was merely to destract us from the Y fronts pic you need to arrange. ;)
  6. EZ_Pete

    EZ_Pete Forum Junkie


    That'll teach me for googling y fronts :lol:
  7. danster Forum Addict

    Those pants are so 2E2. :lol:

    More startling footage of EZ_Pete just in. :o

  8. M7R

    M7R CGTI Regional Host

    whats the crack with stoves then? any reason they cant be retro fitted into a house? as we have just bought a house built in 1957 and its got 1960s gas fires fitted in the dining room and in the living room which i don't like at all, they look awful! I wouldn't mind a stove in the living room as my dad gets a fair few pallets in at work so I should have a pretty good supply of wood to burn and stock pile.
  9. danster Forum Addict

    Is your gas fire insatlled in an old fire place? Does the house have a chimney?

    If yes then it should be easy enough to install a stove of some description.
    There are basic regulations that should be adhered too for safety reasons.
  10. Dave

    Dave *Very Smart* Pedantic Old Fart Paid Member

    No reason why not. But:

    Check out the suitability of the chimney.

    My chimneys are made from hollow pumice blocks, with a small diameter, insulated, liner system.

    EDIT: Beat me to it there Dan the Man!:thumbup:
  11. M7R

    M7R CGTI Regional Host

    The gas fire is mounted on a chimney brest so I would need to open it up and make a proper fire place of some sort but there is a proper chimney in the house, The house is 1950s from a posh-ish builder, not a cheap basic budget house.

    Ill start speaking to some profesional when we are in and then start planning what I (read the wife...) want.
  12. Gareth83 Forum Junkie

    have a look at my build thread ;)
  13. altern8 Forum Junkie

    how do these compare to a normal gas fire? are they cheaper to run if you dont have a supply of logs?
  14. Dave

    Dave *Very Smart* Pedantic Old Fart Paid Member

    Just out of interest.

    The 'Shaking Quakers', 'The Shakers', in New England, used to put the wood burner in the midle of their rooms, and put a flue pipe across just below the ceiling!

    I have photos somewhere if anyone is interested!

    ps. Oprah Winfrey has bought just about every bit of Shaker furniture available. So very, very, very sad, that a chat show host can be so rich. Sad indictment on the present day!

    pps. Next thing, Jeremy Kyle will be buying up all of the Morris and Macintosh furniture in the UK!
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  15. Gareth83 Forum Junkie

    depends on price of logs and gas in your area.
  16. MR D Forum Member

    Yey at last !!! I borrowed a ladder this morning,scary up there at that height,without anyone holding onto the ladder for me !! I used a gearbox i just bought for my new engine,to hold the ladder in place ::) Smashed off the tile that was covering it up.

    And i have now lit the fire !! Warmth at last !!!
    Burns really nice too


    Had a tidy up of the metalwork,and painted them black,looking really good,i am very happy with what i accomplished !!
  17. Gareth83 Forum Junkie

    looks good
  18. M7R

    M7R CGTI Regional Host

    mint, Mels been looking at stoves now, so shes coming rounf to the idea... but I suspect at this rate we will be getting on in the sumer months ready for next winter...but I will be stocking up on pallets etc now lol
  19. bens_cab Forum Junkie

    honestly cant beat a log burner ours is on all the time found a local guys that supplies logs 30 for 2 of those emassive builders bags full

    plus any dead wood find in the village amazing howmany fallen trees there are lol
  20. Funky Diver Forum Member

    I might do this course... and then campaign for better pay conditions at Parliament.

    We settled for an open dog grate in our fire place, purely for the snuggly moments ;)

    I was considering going down the wood burner route, but the cost of installing it was too prohibitive through the triple stoery chimney and the wife wouldn't let me gash it together.

    On another note... easy firelighting tip


    Roaring fire within 5 minutes off one bit of newspaper and some kindling :p

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