Petrolhead asking PD diesel question, LOL !!

Discussion in 'Diesel' started by Jon Olds, Oct 7, 2018.

  1. Jon Olds Forum Junkie

    Jan 28, 2004
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    United Kingdom
    We have a Seat Altea XL Fourtrack as a family car and love it. It has Quattro chassis, 170hp 2L PD diesel
    tows mint and returns 40mpg.
    It also very quick, on fast A road, when driven properly...
    Anyway, talking to a taxi driver recently, he has given me the 'heaby jeaby's' about potential oil pump drive failure....
    Its an 09 plate, with127K on it. Its an A1 motor, no issues.
    What he is discussing is an oil pump with a hex drive engaging with a pressed steel splined female driven off the balancer shaft.
    I want to take action before a failure occurs.
    My plan is to pull the sump, for a 'looksee'.
    From what mr taxi said its a 11K pounds job to do a drive in, proper fix, drive out.
    I want to learn stuff and do a diy fix.
    What do you guys know?
    I'm thinking a weld in situ would be a possibility, but am worried why VW had a sliding arrangement in the oil pump drive
  2. Jon Olds Forum Junkie

    Jan 28, 2004
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    United Kingdom
    that's a 1K fix, not an 11k fix.........
  3. valvemiester

    valvemiester Paid Member Paid Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    You can thank Mr Audi for that as that's the 2l Audi motor VW and Skoda had the sense to use the same design/block as the old 1.9TDi so don't have this problem that's progress for you !!!!
  4. m1keh Forum Member

    Jul 16, 2009
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  5. Jon Olds Forum Junkie

    Jan 28, 2004
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    United Kingdom
    Thanks. Good news then.
    Been to the dealers, who were quite helpful. Went to buy the sump gasket, but it doesn't have one..
    Think the engine code is BMN, arrangement as below;
    altea block.jpg altea pump.jpg
    Will pull the sump, as a good clean out is always money in the bank. Not difficult either.
    Thanks again

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