Wednesday , March 26 2025
Home / Trackdays / Digital Dash Displays for Realtime ECU data – AutoDigi

Digital Dash Displays for Realtime ECU data – AutoDigi

AutoDigi have released their first digital dash display onto the market for enthusiasts running DTA engine management. These units display live real time data from the DTA ECU via the ECU serial port. Each unit has 9 programmable LED shift lights, for 3 different temperature ranges (i.e. Cold / Warm / Hot)
This allows a lower shift light while the engine is warming up, a normal shift light when in normal operating temperature, and a reduced shift light when running too hot.
This also allows configuration for staged shift lights from Cold Engine / Medium Heat Engine / Normal Engine temperature.
Other live readings include RPM, Throttle Percentage, Water Temperature, Air Inlet Temperature, Manifold Pressure, Fuel Pressure, Oil Pressure , Lambda & Battery Voltage.
The AutoDigi DTA allows limit settings to warn users if preset limits are exceeded for RPM Limit, Water Temp Limit, Manifold Pressure Limit & Battery Limit.
Each unit comes with a USB configuration tool for setting RPM shift lights and limit triggers. Fully upgradeable firmware via USB in the event of software updates in the future.

They are available in Blue Backlight or Green Backlight depending on what suits your interior lighting.
Screen backlight dims in night time via light switch input. These levels are configurable via the USB configuration tool.
Includes installation instructions and USB cable for PC connectivity.

To purchase an AutoDigi & check current availability of stock/colours then please contact Luke via or visit this forum post…-data-AutoDigi

This article was originally published in forum thread: Digital Dash Displays for Realtime ECU data – AutoDigi started by g60luke View original post

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