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Petition to protect motorsport venues

I don’t normally post this sort of thing, but this is important enough to raise. From the Britcar website:

Quote Originally Posted by Britcar

The UK Government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has released an extremely important e-petition designed to protect the motorsport industry in the UK.

The petition is designed to introduce a mandatory noise complaint waiver for anyone who buys or rents a property close to motorsport venue.

The petition states: “There are innumerate cases of people knowingly moving within close proximity of motorsport venues, only to try to have their planning permission revoked or have them closed completely when they take exception to the noise.

It is extremely detrimental to the UK’s motorsport heritage, when all the motorsport venues start disappearing. Motorsport and the associated mechanical/engineering business is a key British export and second to none in the world of motorsports.

As such, anyone who wishes to buy or rent a property within a determined distance of a motorsport venue should have to read and sign legislature that waives their right to complain about the noise from the nearby venue. If they do not wish to be bothered by something that was a fixture of the community long before they arrived, they should not move there in the first place.”

To show your support please click the following link and sign the e-petition:

Show your support for UK motorsport venues.

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