Gym Workouts.??

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Nev93, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. b'locks Forum Addict

    Oct 22, 2003
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    United Kingdom
    last night i discovered that my left tricep is far weaker than my right tricep. i am right handed, but is this normal? [:[]
  2. b'locks Forum Addict

    Oct 22, 2003
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    United Kingdom

    i don't have a bench so can't do my pecs

    are there any exercises i can do with dumbells to strengthen my chest that doesn't involve a bench?

    i'm thinking maybe i'll just have to do push ups instead.
  3. prof Forum Addict

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Suffragette City
    post up what you are doing now, and i'll rip it to bits :lol:

    and answer Dave's pm you numpty
  4. b'locks Forum Addict

    Oct 22, 2003
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    United Kingdom
    last night, i did all this

    Dumbell Bench Presses

    - couldn't do for obvious reasons and need an effective alternative

    Dumbell Shoulder Presses

    - i struggled with these but did as many as i could (5 reps per set :lol:)

    One-Arm Dumbell Triceps Extensions

    - no problem with my right arm but my left arm was seriously struggling [:[]

    Dumbell Lateral Raises

    - did these but had to take some weight off

    One-Arm Dumbell Rows

    - no probs with these

    Dumbell Curls

    - no probs with these

    Dumbell Step-ups

    - couldn't be arsed to do these :lol:

    I also did some crunches which were painful but felt goooooood [8D]

    i had a couple of hours to kill this morning so i went to Tescos and bought 360 fish oil tabs for 7.98. going to take 6 a day when my boots ones run out to give me 1800mg per day.:thumbup:
  5. prof Forum Addict

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Suffragette City
    the step ups are the best bit of that,

    do pressups at the moment, or buy a cheap swiss ball [big inflatable ball] then you can do dumbell flyes

    Try this lot

    1) Overhead squat-Muscles worked=everything [nearly]
    Start off learning this without weights
    a) The stance
    • Arms straight up in the air
    • Place your feet wider than shoulder width
    • Tense your stomach muscles as if you are about to receive a punch
    • Arch your back, stick your backside out like Beyonce
    b) The descent
    • With your bodyweight on your heels,
    • look forward,
    • stick your chest out
    • sit back and down until your backside is sticking out and your legs are as below parallel with the floor as possible. Your flexibility will limit how low you can go at this point
    c) To the top
    • With stomach still clenched and back arched, attempt to spread the floor apart, push the floor away, rise up and drive your backside forwards until you are back in the start position. [keep your knees apart]

    Do this 10 times

    2) Dumbell deadlifts-muscles worked =everything [nearly]
    a) The stance
    • Feet wider than shoulder width
    • 2 dumbbells placed either side of the feet
    • Arms straight down, grip the dumbbells with palms facing each other.
    • Tense your stomach muscles as if you are about to receive a punch
    • Arch back, push backside backwards & down, chest out, look forwards
    b) To the top
    • Imagine your shoulders moving straight up as your backside drives forwards
    • An analogy may be to imagine a Swiss army knife, with the blade/handle making an angle of approx 45 degrees, the blade is your thighs and the handle your back, the hinge is your backside
    • Imagine the blade opening out as you stand up with the load.
    Do this 10 times

    3) Split Squat
    • Back foot on the bed, front foot 1 step forwards, sink down as best you can trying to get your front thigh parallel with the floor.

    10 on each leg

    4) press ups, 10x

    5) 1 legged calf raise
    • Stand on one leg, rest a hand on the wall/cupboard for balance.
    • Raise yourself up on the ball of your foot as high as you can, pause 1sec at the top then lower to floor, pause 1 sec, repeat, do 10 on each leg

    6) shoulder press
    • Stand up
    • Dumbbell in each hand
    • Push straight up at approx shoulder width
    • Do not quite straighten your arms at the top [this will stop your elbows hurting]
    Do 10 on each arm, or both arms at same time.

    This is what my mrs does
  6. sutherlandm Forum Junkie

    Oct 23, 2003
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    For your chest - Get three sturdy chairs, put your feet on one and a hand on each of the other two and do press ups to "below ground level" - More intense and good for your chest.
    Also do press ups resting with each hand on a dumbells - Again more intense.
  7. b'locks Forum Addict

    Oct 22, 2003
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    United Kingdom
    are you trying to say something here? :lol:
  8. b'locks Forum Addict

    Oct 22, 2003
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    United Kingdom
    great idea matt, i'll try that, cheers :thumbup:
  9. b'locks Forum Addict

    Oct 22, 2003
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    United Kingdom
    great idea matt, i'll try that, cheers :thumbup:
  10. Gareth83 Forum Junkie

    Oct 23, 2003
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    buy a decent decline bench
  11. bula_82 Forum Junkie

    Jan 22, 2006
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    Essex, Innit
    Your saying is of course something I look at alot and take on board,

    I wont however, ever eat something that used to alive ;)
  12. prof Forum Addict

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Suffragette City
  13. b'locks Forum Addict

    Oct 22, 2003
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    United Kingdom
    i can understand why you might not want to eat meat from animals which have been treated badly but then if it's been raised on good munch and allowed to roam freely, etc, then what's the problem? it's completely natural to eat other animals...[:s]
  14. dubDREAD

    dubDREAD Forum Member

    Jul 24, 2006
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    its all about what YOUR body needs , if you sit at a desk all day , you should try to limit your carb intake , and stick too natural carbs carrots etc instead of fluffy white bread

    try somthin like this

    breakfast: 50g alpen(sugarfree) 50g all bran semi skimmed milk
    or two egg omlette with ham 1 pitta bread

    breaktime (11am) fruit yogurt

    lunch: half fat chedder (50g) 4 slices of ham in 2 pitta breads , if you have to have crisps low fat ones only

    breaktime :cereal bar and an apple

    dinner :no more than 150g of carbs , two types of veg one must be green , and your meat should be chicken withno skin or fish , tuna steaks are very good , stay away from red meat for dinner

    evening snack must contain no carbs at the mo i favour twister ice lollies very good

    thats pretty much my day in food and i weight 103kg but i am on mi feet all day and at the gym burnig 1000 cals every other day

    you will only really go wrong wen you down more than 4 pints coz thats a meal in calories terms , try and have a couple of pints then move on to a light colured spirit witha diet mixer

    try and walk at lunchtime if you sit all day , and get stretching , if the nutrition is proving hard to crack try weightwatchers, now half of these boys are gonna tell you its rubbish BUT the books and info you get give you a very good idea of what foods are worth as far as how much is concerned , and if you are heavy you probably find you can eat more than you think
    it is possible to not eat enough and that will plateau your weightloss

    p.s no more fizzy drinks and at least 1.5 litres of water a day
  15. sutherlandm Forum Junkie

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Any of you pay much attention to flexibility?

    I'm trying to maintain mine since stopping kickboxing - It's very beneficial for balance in surfing - but it's tricky.

    Can still do "flat hands on the floor" (touch toes stylee) but my splits are getting rapidly worse.
    Never been particularly supple but probably a bit better than average.
  16. dubDREAD

    dubDREAD Forum Member

    Jul 24, 2006
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    yeah i do i think its very important , can get palms down , cant do splits can just about get to 90 degrees i am always stretching drives the missess mad :lol:
  17. prof Forum Addict

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Suffragette City

    did you see my link to the mobility DVD?

    Dubdread did you read the Berardi link?
  18. b'locks Forum Addict

    Oct 22, 2003
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    United Kingdom
    the muscles in my arms have come alive since i started swimming about 4 weeks ago. :o especially my biceps [:D]

    getting on well with the weights at home too and my new diet. i've cut out all fatty foods and buy more fish and only lean mince. i'm starting to like the fishy burps from the tablets too. [8D]
  19. prof Forum Addict

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Suffragette City
    did you try my workout? and stop using pink dumbells, they are for ladies
  20. sutherlandm Forum Junkie

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Pull ups - The way forward.
    Powerbar - The only way to pull up at home.

    Hand stand press ups - Superb (apart from the amount of bloody that goes to your head!).

    Chinese press up -Essential (unless you can't do them...)

    Skipping - Gay but brilliant cardio.

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