Hi guys, hope everyone has had a good bank holiday weekend. I’ve got an 02m box in my mk1 with mk2 clocks. I’m aware you need the speedometer adapter from VSS to mechanical drive. And also know ABBOT do the cable-x unit but I can’t seem to get through to them so was wondering if there are any new company’s or options on the market. thanks in advance guys
I was looking for the same. John said something along the lines of “it’s just a X pulse signal that needs to be turned into a Y pulse signal” and fit the corsa speedo drive into mk2 clocks
I’ll look into that, and it kills me to fit Vauxhall parts to my mk1 . Do you have any idea what year corsa?
Went to a few scrappies and no luck grabbing some corsa B clocks off the bay , in regards to the signal change im still doing homework. Still looking for converters on Chinese sites aswell.
note the corsa clocks not a stright fit, you need an adaptor between to convert the pulses. as it happens, almost exactly a multiple of 4 if you get the right set. look closely for the code on the speedo face, you want 25672 which is mostly poverty spec. by another total coincidence, the speedo needle range matches perfectly to 16v 160mph clocks as well the mileage and odometer dont line up to mk2 cluster and font/colour is wrong, but if you care enough you can strip down mk2 clocks and bolt the corsa gubbins to drive the mk2 mileage/odometer, then put it all back together and fit to mk2 cluster. bit of a pain in the ass, and liek what is it, 4 years on I still havent got round to actually mounting one of my modified speedo units if you can find one, early poverty spec mk2 ibiza have the same style of speedometer and its perfect match to mk3/4 speedometer sender and will work directly no adaptor requirted. trouble is they're rare as all hell you'll mostly only see them on ebay.de and those are in kmh (doesn't matter for speedo needle obviously, but mileage/oddometer will be in kilometer not miles)
As nice as the mk2 Ibiza route would be they’ll be a ball ache to find so I can see the fiddly route being the way . Just to make sure I don’t get the wrong parts: 1x corsa b clocks code (25672) 1x 16v 160mph speedo face (current one is 120) 1x adapter to convert pulse signal what adapter is needed to convert the signal? I also thought of buying mk1 TT clocks and stripping them down for the stepper motor and trying to fit the stepper into the mk2 clocks, I am expecting that idea to be shot down though as if it were that simple I think everyone would have done that . thanks for the reply, really appreciate it
You can get 'speedo healers' these are often used in motor.bike projects, as I say you need it to go up to x4. Personally I built a little Arduino project to handle it You could use mk3/4/TT etc, I've seen people cut mk3 cluster board down they had to solder wires to it and run to another section of the board to make it work from memory. The reason I didn't go this route is I want the mileage and odometer to work You can find similar standalone speedometer is older BMW and Audi, the units you see being put together by that guy on Facebook are.mostly BMW units I believe. Corsa was my choice because they're dirt cheap atm
Definitely want mileage and odometer so I will get the correct corsa b clocks, try and find 16v 160mph clock face and use a speedohealer v4 spliced in between. I’ll update with pictures once I’ve completed it. Might even make a walkthrough
The ones with cable output are for making your original clocks work, the Corsa/Ibiza/etc way means you can pickup directly from the gearbox sender Just to be clear by x4 I mean it needs to be able to multiply the signal by 4 so 1 pulse in = 4 pulses out
Oh! And you need ce2 clocks ideally. Ce1 have to oil pressure warning board clipped inside the speedometer assembly so you would also have to deal with that, or just not have an oil pressure warning any more
No oil pressure warning as in no light or is it a buzzer? I’ll check that the “healer” has a signal multiplier capability otherwise I’ll wire 4 in series
So, after lots of reading I’ve found that the speedo healers are mostly 100% correction, which would only supply 2 output pulses for every one input. Went on the Arduino forum and understand this is a bigger job than I expected For Arduino projects what will I need other than an arduino uno, computer and soldering iron
On the ce1 clocks the board does all of the oil warning functions For the Arduino you need a steady power supply for it plenty of those about. I used a MK2 cluster voltage regulator to simplify things. Then you just need to write some code to handle the conversion. My code probably works but I haven't found the time to test it in real life. My first attempt did work but I only multiplied by 2, then life got in the way, then work, then life, then laziness, then procrastination etc etc and here we are many years later
I’ll use a VDO gauge for the oil pressure then. was it purely coding that you used to get to the multiple of 2 or did you fit hardware to the arduino? is the VSS sine wave or Hall effect?
I just used code for it, you could probably use something much simpler like say a 555 timer to do the same thing as I'm not doing anything particularly clever. I went for an Arduino because I was also looking at installing an abs ring on the rear and using the Corsa vr to hall converter relay. Then I would do slightly more complex maths to convert the VW trigger wheel pulses per wheel rotation to VW Speedo pulses.per wheel rotation (iirc 54 Vs 6.57) Reason for that was I was thinking about using an 02s box unmodified so no Speedo sender. But in the end I just sent it to Martin as it made life easier plus it makes sense to have the whole.box checked before going thru a load of hassle to fit it The vss sender is a hall sensor, bog std square wave. No need for any circuitry just feed it to the Arduino (but you do need to do a bit of resistorising if you want to read the MK2 mfa speed sensor, yet another side mission I went on in this quest )
I think I’ve opened a can of worms. Im going to price up all my options because this project could cost me a missus. finding the corsa clocks with that code on is proving harder than expected aswell as a mk2 160mph clock face. I’ll split the mk2 clocks this afternoon and see how it all works , thanks again for the help RJ
Weeeeeelll I did end up making 2 sets the 2nd set came from a different Corsa and that one lined up with a 140mph Speedo iirc. I need to get them both tested There is a guy on FB who is selling pre-made sets as well, will see if I can find the link