Ask Bristolfish

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by danster, Jul 30, 2010.

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  1. StuMc

    StuMc Moderator and Regional Host - Manchester Moderator

    Yes, Welsh...and Cumbrian...and Manx...and Briton...

    Goedelic (or Q-Gaelic) was the Irish `original`, which through time was *******ized/mutated to Brythonic (P-Gaelic), commonly known as Scottish Gaelic, but has much in common (besides some spelling differences) with the languages above.
  2. BristolFish

    BristolFish Forum Member

    Ddim iaith cyntaf mae cymraeg fy. :)
  3. jamesa Forum Junkie

    Da iawn ...

    Are you, danster and daved related by blood or by any other fluids ?
  4. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    The latter one would assume. Why not just rename general section "Daved, Danster, Bristolfish, TSC Homoerotic Appreciation FTMFW Section"

  5. BristolFish

    BristolFish Forum Member

    Diolch yn fawr. :thumbup:

    As far as i'm aware none of us are related.
    daved is at least 200 years old and danster is a myth, (see Scotland).

    The only fluid we may be linked by, I suppose, would be alcohol. None of us ever touch it. :thumbup:
  6. jamesa Forum Junkie

    Should have said ... bodily fluids ... a better fit perhaps ;)
  7. BristolFish

    BristolFish Forum Member

  8. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

    Lmfao. Gotta love shooting stars!
  9. thegave Forum Member

    What is the easiest way to attract a Dub-loving female mate?
  10. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Would you recommend a 16v engine? [:D]
  11. StuMc

    StuMc Moderator and Regional Host - Manchester Moderator

    Accrue a fleet, thus;


    And let them come to you, thus;


  12. thegave Forum Member

    I hate the fact that everything in life boils down to "My fleet is bigger than your fleet", why can't I find someone who likes me for who I am?
  13. A.N. Other Banned after significant club disruption Dec 5th 2

    Blame this woman :lol:

  14. Brian.G

    Brian.G Forum Member

    I find if you tell them how cool engines are and all about the bits inside them then they will come to you, and want to start working on them themselves, my 'lady-friend' changed her own gearbox oil the last day:thumbup:
    Which gives me more time for my own car!
  15. StuMc

    StuMc Moderator and Regional Host - Manchester Moderator

    Having a massive c*ck generally helps too. :thumbup: :lol:

    Joking aside, my GF had her Corrado before we got together. She bought it from a mutual workmate who emigrated to Oz last year.

    I had helped him install the ABF, and knowing this she came to me for help with some wiring issues it had (has).

    It wasn`t long before her 11 year old son turned the phrase `coming round to do some wiring` into a euphemism... :lol:
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  16. 1550samn Forum Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbup: clever lad...
  17. MUSHY 16V

    MUSHY 16V Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    that plan is flawed stu see loves corrado's and you only have four golfs;):lol:

    just as well see has her own
  18. BURNI

    BURNI Forum Member

    Would you have the new bugatti veryon even tho it has orange wheels and would apear to be "scene"??
  19. stella

    stella Forum Junkie

    That pic in your sig is scary!
  20. DC75

    DC75 Forum Member

    Q: can butterflies fly backward?
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