Another minority issue ...

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by superden, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. beaniegti

    beaniegti Forum Member

    vw_singh-i wasn't directing that at you or anyone in particular for that matter.

    But you have to understand that you cannot expect a nation to change its ways and beliefs for a minority

    My point was, regardless of where you were born, if the religion that you subscribe to doesn't get on with the host nations ideals and rules (and subsequent majority of the populations), then perhaps you (as a people) should compromise rather than trying to forcibly enflict your views on others. (granted-it is only a minority doing this)

    Going home... yes, a bit harsh and probably inappropriate/ignorant for the situation, as many sikhs etc are born here and, rightly, term this country as home. However, if they feel this country is a constant bane, and an insult to them, then surely they should question the benefits of being here against being somewhere which would pander to their religious and ethical requirements.

    I don't mean to cause offence-as nordoff says, it is very hard to convey opinions on such a sensitive matter in a inoffensive way.
  2. superden Forum Addict

    So why bother trying ? :)
  3. DAVE 2227 Forum Junkie

    Great thread Den :)
    The one thing that springs to my mind just now though is.
    Is a brake disc retaining screw necessary on my Mk2 16v. :lol:
  4. superden Forum Addict

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Edited by: superden
  5. Deako Paid Member Paid Member

  6. DarrenW Forum Junkie

    :lol: Horlicks -> keyboard incident :lol:
  7. beaniegti

    beaniegti Forum Member


    thing is, i'm pretty right wing on many things, and that doesn't tend to sit to well with quite a few people.
  8. superden Forum Addict

    Join the club. I think you`ll find we dont give a sh*t about public opinion :lol:
  9. Claypole Forum Junkie

    Den you've made it into the Washington Post. :lol:

  10. nuttinnew Forum Member

    Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah. Blah blah, blah blah bollocks blah, blah blah blah.
  11. Grayham8v Forum Member

    I think its a disgrace. I live an area that is heavily populated with so called ethnic minority groups. They moan and complain about the way they are treated, but I think they bring it upon themselves.
    They should try being a white person where I live WE are the one that are repressed, we cant have an opinion just in case its offensive to a small part of the population. The people of Asian origin (is that the pc enough) can do as they wish in this city and get away with it, if the police try to do anything they just claim racial discrimination. It makes my fuking blood boil.

    I think I will stop now before I really start to rant.

    BTW If the B.N.P attack someone its racially motivated. If a white person is attacked by a black person its just assault, sometimes its not even a crime.

    Just one more thing. Murder in the cathedral by T. S. Elliot. The man won a Nobel Prize and I dont think anyone rioted outside his play.

    And another. How many films have been made where people go into churches and start shooting and killing people. Kill bill for example. Cant remember many objections to that.

    Rant over

    Edited by: Grayham8v
  12. Imteyaz Forum Member

    Freedom of speech? Isn't that what the Sikh people who were complaining about the play were trying to exercise?

    Yes - I agree there's idiot in any type of 'group', from 50,000 football supporters, it usually a handfull who start the trouble but it seems like the writer of the play could write that play and depict scene's of rape and murder in a Sikh temple, BUT the Sikh Community are supposedly wrong for expressing their opinion to say they don't like whats written.

    I agree that there have been many plays / books / movies that depict similar offensive things to other religions, if you are offended then exercise your 'freedom of speech'. Some people do feel strongly about their religion, if you don't, then that's your choice.

    What is said and what is meant are two things - the view of one man representing a community does not necessarily mean that the whole of community agree with him or with how he / she has represented that community - Do we ALWAYS agree with what Mr. Blair does / is doing?

    Two sides to every story - the press are good at depicting indirectly what's right and what wrong without saying it.
  13. Grayham8v Forum Member

    People rioting is wrong.
    When football fans riot the whole world is up in arms about it weather they are provoked or not. When the Asian people riot they are apparently exercising their right to freedom of speech . Or it is not their fault, like they were defending themselves.
    Just because you dont agree with something DOES NOT give you the right to frighten and intimidate people. Especially people who are only going to watch a play.

    People who go to watch plays would, I imagine be able to tell the difference between the fiction of the play and the facts of real life. Therefore they wont believe that all that goes on a temples is rape and murder. Just like someone who goes to see Cats doesnt believe that there are real life singing and dancing cats.

    Edited by: Grayham8v
  14. nuttinnew Forum Member

    As you say, the phrase is 'freedom of speech'...
  15. Grayham8v Forum Member

    :clap: :thumbup:
  16. b'locks Forum Addict

    What??? :o [:^(]
  17. Grayham8v Forum Member

    People at work couldnt believe singing and dancing cats dont exist either, so imagine what they were like when I told them that Santa and the Tooth fairy werent real. [:s]
  18. N1CK Forum Junkie

    Santa's not real????? :o [:^(] [:^(] [:^(] [:^(] [:^(]
  19. Armour

    Armour Forum Junkie

    Religion :thumbd:

  20. b'locks Forum Addict

    F*ck Santa, he never gets me what I want anyway.

    What about the f*cking toothfairy??!?! :o [:s] [:^(]

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